Please log in with the same username and password used to reserve tee times. Otherwise, we strongly suggest creating a new account - it only takes a minute. It will make this and future purchases or tee time reservations (with the same login) much easier and quicker.
If you choose to purchase and check out as a guest, you will be taken through several screens to fill out critical data. The multiple screens are designed to strengthen and assure the security of your personal information.
Our gift cards are now virtual in increments of $25, $50, and $100 - or choose any amount you want (New!). Our 18-hole round of golf, $69, is also a virtual item.
All purchases will be followed by a confirmation email.
For virtual gift cards and the round of golf with cart, you will also receive a second email that includes a bar code to scan at the course to redeem. This second email will take a little longer to reach your email inbox - please be patient. Then, print it out with the bar code and present it at the golf shop. Unfortunately, bar codes don't scan well on mobile screens.
Ten-Play cards can be picked up at the golf shop or mailed.
Thank you for shopping at Northwood Golf Club's Online Store.
Keeping Pace With Others Makes Golf More Enjoyable
Our course is not difficult to walk, but if you prefer, carts are available to rent when you check in based on availability. Carts and clubs will not be rented after 5:24 PM and must be returned by 7:45 PM. No exceptions.
Tips for a faster round:
Keep moving—save the chat for the walk between the greens and the next tee.
Be ready to hit your shot—try and keep prep time down to one minute or less before you take the shot.
Lost balls—the rules of golf allow three minutes to search for your ball, but you can cut this down to two or even one minute to save time and hold up the game.
Be cart smart—drop off your partner and drive to your ball or the other way around. When you leave the cart, take a selection of clubs, not just one, in case you change your mind.